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For Buckeye's with a computationally intensive project, ASC Tech's high-performance computing environment, the Unity cluster, may be the tool for you. This page is intended to help users get up and running with Stata and the R environment on the Unity cluster. The page is currently under construction (i.e., more info to come)...

Setup for Windows

  1. If you are connecting to the Unity cluster from an off-campus location, then you need to connect via the ASC Virtual Private Network (VPN). The instructions and (Cisco) software you need to install to establish the VPN can be found here.
  2. Email asctech@osu.edu and ask them to enable your account.
  3. Download and install a SecureSHell (SSH) client along with an X Windows Server. The default installation options will work fine (e.g., install the programs in "C:\Program Files").
    • PuTTY is a free and friendly SSH client
    • Xming is a free and popular X server for windows
    • X-Win32  is an alternative X server that it is freely available to OSU faculty, students, and staff (although not FOSS).
  4. Open Xming from the start menu
  5. Start up PuTTY and add the following information for the category Session:
    • Hostname: unity.asc.ohio-state.edu
    • Saved Session: Unity (or whatever name you prefer) (See red circles below). Be sure to click on Save so that you do not have to re-enter in the configuration information each time.

      Then, under Connections :arrow: SSH :arrow: X11, select Enable X11 forwarding

      Finally, click on category Session in the sidebar, save the Unity session again, and press open. This will spawn a new window (see screenshot below) prompting you for your username and password (these are the same as your OSU email account, e.g. thomas.3912 and the corresponding password).

      If your terminal window looks like the above screenshot, then congratulations are in order:) as you have successfully connected to the Unity cluster!
  6. Download and install FileZilla, which will allow you to transfer files to and from the Unity cluster. As with PuTTY, we need to configure FileZilla by telling it where to find the Unity cluster and which credentials to log in with. We also need to specify the Port number as well -- think of a computer as a big building with lots of entrances/doors, and the port number just tells FileZilla which door to use. Open FileZilla and fill in the following configuration information:
    • Host: unity.asc.ohio-state.edu
    • Username: your OSU login (lastname.#)
    • Password: your OSU email password
    • Port: 22
    and click on the "Quickconnect" button to log into the Unity cluster. Your FileZilla session should look like the following screenshot.

Set Up for Mac

Coming soon..

Interactive Sessions with Stata and R

  1. Start R by simply typing R at the prompt
  2. Install the Rcmdr library:
      > install.packages("Rcmdr", dependencies=TRUE)
    accept all of the default options and choose a CRAN site near your location
  3. Load the R Commander library which should start an R session.
      > library(Rcmdr)
  4. qsub system: useful commands: qstat (qstat -u thomas.3912); showq; qdel jobID will delete a job; less useful: showstart jobID (get jobID from the qstat command; for more see OSC's page
  5. Notes: the email sent to users includes info on the node that is executing the job (not sure of the qsub command that tells this); to change to a node: try ssh u005

Submit a Stata Batch Job

Here is a script taken from ASC's Intro Page:
  # PBS file to run Stata batch job
  # Invoke like (-v variable)
  # qsub -d "$PWD" -v DOFILE=stataJob.do runStata.pbs

  #PBS -l walltime=120:00:00
  #PBS -l nodes=34:ppn=16,mem=8GB
  #PBS -j oe
  #PBS -m abe
  #PBS -M thomas.3912@osu.edu

  # Above commands:
  ## -N -- name of job
  ## -j -- write errors to a log file
  ## -m -- send email when/if job (b) begins, (e) ends, or (a) aborts
  ## -M -- email address where message is sent

  module load stata
  stata -b do ${DOFILE}

Submit an R Batch Job

Here is a PBS script for running an R batch job.
  #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00
  #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=3,mem=3GB
  #PBS -N example_R_job
  #PBS -j oe
  #PBS -m bea
  #PBS -M thomas.3912@osu.edu

  # Above commands:
  ## -N -- name of job
  ## -j -- write errors to a log file
  ## -m -- send email when/if job (b) begins, (e) ends, or (a) aborts
  ## -M -- email address where message is sent

  module load intel/16.0.3
  module load R/3.5.0
  R CMD BATCH example_R_script.R

Information about your Unity Account

Coming soon..

Useful links